August 13 - Project Cargo Network (PCN) has added Westlink Logistics as a new member, representing Australia.

Westlink Logistics has offices in Perth and Brisbane employing 20 staff. It has developed close ties with large energy and mining customers in Australia.
Westlink Logistics is a part of the Westlink Group of Companies, which is an owned and operated project logistics and shipping organisation.
"We have handled some of the largest and most complex projects during the recent emergence of Western Australia as a powerhouse state - rich in energy and resources," said Sarah Webb, commercial manager, Westlink Logistics.
Westlink Logistics recently handled a complex project for mining and petroleum multinational BHP Billiton. The brief was to develop a total logistics plan including Customs clearance, packaging, loading and shipping of rail wagons from the Netherlands and Italy to Pilbara in Australia.
"Rail infrastructure is an integral component of BHP Billiton's 426 km long private link between port and mine," explained Webb.
Europe is a prime source of high quality second hand rail equipment, and Westlink was tasked with transporting a vital ballast-clearing machine to Australia for BHP Billiton.
"The task involved delivering the various machines from locations in the Netherlands and Italy to their embarkation points, where they had to be cleaned to satisfy stringent Australian quarantine regulations," explained Webb.
The wagons had to be dismantled so they could be lifted and securely stowed. Extra care was taken as the cargoes was particularly sensitive and of high value. Timing was also critical as the project was made up of numerous stakeholders, each working to a tight schedule.
Upon arrival in Henderson, the wagons were discharged, assembled and modified for Australian conditions. The shipment was then moved to Newman and was immediately put to work on BHP Billiton's rail line.