All Insight articles – Page 2

  • Mammoet-Sensor system

    Mammoet trials 360-degree sensor system for its cranes


    Mammoet is working with Rietveld, a specialist in fleet management and vehicle and machine safety systems, on a joint project to protect drivers and road users when mobile cranes are moving and manoeuvring. 

  • Altius delivered a 176-tonne reactor to the Mutun steel plant project in Bolivia.

    South American project logistics markets keeps its feet amid volatility


    HLPFI’s last South America project logistics report suggested that 2023 would be a more stable year. That proved to be somewhat over-optimistic – but the community is keeping its feet amid turbulent currents, writes Megan Ramsay.

  • Eduardo Davila

    HLPFI meets: Eduardo Davila


    “Your company is the first thing. It goes before your wife, it goes before your family, because it is so demanding. When your company is calling you, you cannot attend to anything else. At least that has been my way and my family have fortunately understood this.” Eduardo Davila, president of Joaquin Davila & Cie, spoke on his storied journey to Justin Archard.

  • EPC Fluor seven Rs update

    EPC Logistics: The importance of behavioural economics


    Miroslav Jakab, Fluor Fellow - logistics, shares the EPC contractor’s views on project logistics and its interaction with behavioural economics in the second of a three-part series.

  • Figure 1- The Influence and Expenditure Curve for Project Life Cycle

    Introduction to EPC project logistics – part one


    Miroslav Jakab, Fluor Fellow - logistics, shares the first in a series of articles detailing the intricacies, nuances and importance of EPC project logistics. The season kicks off with analysis of the environment that governs EPC projects and provides the foundation for subsequent articles that delve deeper into dealing with EPC project logistics.

  • MV Industrial Courage loading reels in Chaguarmas, Trinidad I

    Guyana’s star rises against challenging backdrop


    The Caribbean’s project logistics market is proving something of laggard, with an economic slowdown and cost inflation eroding confidence and delaying projects. A revitalised tourism industry should help to shore up government coffers, while the oil and gas sector continues to gather momentum. Ian Putzger reports.

  • Deck class notation. Photo credit- UWL

    Full ships or a damp squib? Gauging the multipurpose market

    2023-12-15T09:00:00Z Sponsored by

    With a promising project pipeline and a supply side that favours the market, the multipurpose shipping segment is in a stable state, despite 2023 landing somewhat flatter than expected.

  • knapex747-8f

    Flying high and beefing up capabilities

    2023-12-15T09:00:00Z Sponsored by

    During 2023, the heavy lift airfreight market continued to grapple with the impacts of the Russian-Ukraine war, as other providers in the sector beefed up their capabilities.

  • Components-arrive-for-Frances-first-floating-offshore-wind-farm-1024x767

    Mergers, acquisitions, and expansions: a year of consolidation

    2023-12-15T09:00:00Z Sponsored by

    Throughout 2023, the project logistics sector saw some key players expand their footprint to target new markets or reinforce their position. It comes off the back of a largely positive outlook for the market, with several industry verticals set to provide a swathe of work around the globe.

  • Transport Chainé - Photo of the Year

    Looking back on 2023

    2023-12-15T09:00:00Z Sponsored by

    It’s tricky to summarise the current state of play in the project logistics and heavy lift shipping sectors. Whether the glass is half full, or half empty, is very much situation dependent.

  • Chris Grigentin

    ‘France Relance’ and sustainable ambitions drive project logistics activity


    Wind energy continues to be the order of the day for France’s project logistics and heavy lift sector. The country’s policy on renewable power sources is driving increasing investment in both projects and supporting infrastructure, with floating offshore wind projects in the spotlight. Megan Ramsay reports.

  • AAL Kembla and Brisbane

    HLPFI meets: Kyriacos Panayides


    Justin Archard sits down with Kyriacos Panayides, a ubiquitous presence in the multipurpose and heavy lift shipping business and architect of one of the sector’s success stories, AAL Shipping. 

  • PD Ports invests in crane simulator

    PD Ports invests in crane simulator


    The UK’s PD Ports has invested GBP400,000 (USD485,566) in a crane simulator at Tees Dock that can recreate high-risk scenarios.

  • Electrolysis plants generate hydrogen from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Source.Siemens Energy

    Early engagement crucial to hydrogen industry growth


    While large-scale hydrogen projects are increasingly being planned, there are mixed views about the speed and extent at which hydrogen will create work for the project logistics sector. Phil Hastings reports.

  • Module delivery.LNG Canada site

    Surging LNG demand likely to be short-term benefit for project logistics sector


    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and subsequent substantial cuts in natural gas exports prompted an immediate surge of international interest in LNG and demand for related new production capacity and import/export facilities. However, that uptick could be a flash in the pan rather than indicative of long-term shift, writes Phil Hastings.

  • Shell's Pernis refinery in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

    Energy transition to squeeze project logistics capacity


    Future downstream oil and gas industry investment is likely to be increasingly focused on sectors like hydrogen, biofuels and petrochemical production to support the energy transition, alongside traditional oil refining and liquefied natural gas (LNG) activities. The resultant increase in project logistics and heavy lift demand will put further pressure on logisticians. Phil Hastings reports. 

  • Harnessing the Baltic’s power potential

    Harnessing the Baltic’s power potential


    Project logistics in the Baltic region is mostly concentrated on local or joint European infrastructure and energy projects – with self-sufficiency top of the agenda, writes Megan Ramsay.

  • DJI_0568

    Boosting capacity and raising standards in Africa


    There has been a notable uptick in project logistics activity in Africa, driven by rising demand for minerals, metals and energy. However, there is a pressing need to improve standards. Carriers, meanwhile, are boosting capacity. David Kershaw reports.


    Alternatives for project cargo moves in the Caspian States and Central Asia


    The rugged terrain and infrastructure limitations of Central Asia present unique challenges for heavy and project cargo transportation – and the geopolitical tensions currently affecting the region are adding a further layer of complexity, writes Megan Ramsay.

  • Lloyd’s Maritime Academy unveils latest features

    Lloyd’s Maritime Academy unveils latest features


    Lloyd’s Maritime Academy has overhauled its website and introduced several on-demand training programmes dedicated to the marine sector.