Irizar Forge specialises in forging fully certified lifting and mooring components for complex offshore and subsea applications. As well as offering tailor-made solutions for premium quality crane components such as hooks the company also supplies standardised heavy-duty hooks and hook blocks to the crane industry.
Founded in 1923, Irizar Forge is a specialist forge that offers practical and innovative solutions to onshore and offshore EPC & OEM companies, experts in the metallurgy of heavy duty crane components and their application in harsh environments – on land, at sea, and in the air.
Irizar’s heavy-duty crane hooks, blocks and related components have a lifting capacity of up to 5000 tonnes, comply with the highest standards and are fully certified by the LRS, DNV-GL, ABS and BV Class Societies. Besides forging high quality standardized components.
Irizar Forge: Not limited to custom made specials
Irizar provides tailor-made solutions for premium quality crane components such as hooks, but is also one of the largest suppliers in the world of standardised, heavy duty hooks and hook blocks to the crane industry for overhead, gantry, mobile and tower cranes.
Irizar has a large stock of standardised hooks such as shank and eye hooks based on international standards as DIN, ASTM, BS JIS and IS.