Germany’s Universal Transport will join forces with Italian heavy transport specialist Gruber Logistics as the companies bid to become a leading player in the European transport market.

CreditUniversal Transport

Credit: Universal Transport

Universal Transport will be integrated into Gruber Logistics, the deal having been approved by German antitrust authorities on September 19. The existing management teams of both companies will be brought together and will work in the future as a four-man management board.

“We are building a new European champion. The alliance with Universal Transport is a key step. And I don’t just mean that in terms of economic figures. The alliance will make the services offered by both companies even better and more comprehensive for our customers,” said Gruber Logistics ceo Martin Gruber. “The additional capacities and expanded regional availability are important steps in our European growth strategy. Germany is the central logistics market in Europe. From here we are ready to grow further and drive acquisitions throughout Europe.”

Holger Dechant, ceo of Universal Transport, added: “We were re-thinking our long- term strategy and we found in joining Gruber Logistics a great opportunity for our company and employees. It is a partner who shares our quality standards, reliability and values. Moreover, with Gruber Logistics, we can expand our service portfolio including general cargo, parcel loads and logistics services.”

Gruber employs some 2,200 staff, has total sales of roughly EUR650 million (USD649 million), and the integration of Universal Transport will certainly boost its credentials in the heavy and specialised transport field.