3P Logistics Group’s industrial projects division has coordinated the transport of an azimuth thruster to the port of Rauma in Finland, for onward shipment to Canada.

3P Logistics coordinates thruster transport

Source: 3P Logistics

The shipment consisted of upper gear, lower gear and spare parts, which was manufactured in Rauma. 3P Logistics loaded the cargoes onto lowbed trucks and transported the units to the port for loading onboard Atlantic Towing’s offshore tug/supply vessel Atlantic Kestrel.

According to Ilya Goncharov, 3P Logistics’ project manager/industrial projects, the company handled the road transportation in Rauma, including arranging the permits and escorts; Customs; the loading operations; and cargo handling.

He said that 3P Logistics had to secure special chains to meet the minimum fastening forces for the load ahead of the cargo’s transport to Canada for a leading provider of offshore supply, port and coastal marine services.