JAS Projects Bremen has completed the first heavy lift shipment for a chemical complex extension project in Poland. 

JAS coordinates column deliveries to Poland (1)

The company said that a feasibility project for this project was performed in mid-2021, with plans put in place for the oversized columns ex China to Poland. At that time, it was decided that a road haul in Europe was suitable, in order to avoid potential delays caused by low water in the river system. In close communication with the client’s and JAS engineering team, the design of the cargo was adjusted to the maximum dimensions feasible for road transport.  

In June 2023 the cargo was loaded aboard a heavy lift vessel in Dalian, and during discharged mid-August in Gdansk, Poland. On the way to the jobsite several obstacles had to be cleared and barriers removed. Three columns – the largest measuring 53.05 m long and weighing 62.8 tonnes – were moved to their  final destination as scheduled.
