April 8 - As part of its loss prevention programme the Standard P&I Club has published Standard Cargo: A Guide to the Carriage of Oversized Cargo - Yachts.

It is the first of two Standard Cargo publications that deal with items of cargo that are an unconventional shape or size, are difficult to handle or are difficult to secure, and that may require specialist knowledge in order to ensure safe carriage. 

The club notes: "Ship's officers used to be experienced in loading project, heavy lift and unusual cargoes. The art of ensuring that the lift was safely slung, properly stowed and correctly lashed was something learnt through experience. Deck officers and crew knew what was needed to prepare for the lift and stowage. It would appear that much of this basic knowledge has been lost, or possibly it is now considered someone else's responsibility."

The club gives general guidance and advice that applies to all 'oversize' cargo and then concentrates on the carriage of yachts. In its next issue of Standard Cargo, the club will deal with the various other types of unconventional items. 

The full article can be seen here: http://www.standard-club.com/docs/StandardCargo-YachtsMarch2010.pdf