March 5 - Specialised freight transporter Bennett Motor Express (BME) has announced the winners of its 2009 Drivers of the Year awards. The annual awards honour the company's owner-operators who achieve the highest safety and performance ratings throughou
"These drivers have earned this honour based on their commitment to our safety culture, customer care, and quality service," said David Lowry, BME president. "The winners are a great example of the dedication and drive our contractors show, and we're proud to honour them for their service."
General Freight Driver of the Year: Charles A Hacker of Golconda, IL joined Bennett Motor Express in 1997.
Heavy Haul Driver of the Year: Charles Surber of Raeford, N.C. became a Bennett Motor Express owner/operator in 2005.
The two winners were selected from among BME's nearly 600 owner-operators based on their safe driving history, customer service record, and total number of years driving. Nominees included owner-operators from both BME's Heavy Haul and General Freight divisions who previously had been selected as Drivers of the Month during 2009.